Wednesday 4 January 2012

New Supergroup:Giraffe Tongue Orchestra

Giraffe Tongue Orchestra — the new supergroup featuring members of Mastodon, Jane’s Addiction, and Dillenger Escape Plan — just announced the addition of ex-Mars Volta and current One Day As a Lion drummer Jon Theodore to the roster.

The group of talented, yet stylistically different musicians boasts Dillenger Escape Plan guitarist Ben Weinman, guitarist/vocalist Brent Hinds of Mastodon, bassist Eric Avery formerly of Jane’s Addiction, and now One Day As a Lion stickman Jon Theodore. The announcement contrasts previous reports that Thomas Pridgen — also a former Mars Volta drummer — was on board to man the kit for the group. Theodore explained that his interest in the project was sparked by it’s unusual direction:

“When I first heard some of the ideas these guys were working on I immediately knew this project was right up my alley. Both beautiful and technical but not spastic, thematic but not cheesy, hard but delicate.”

It may be a minute before we hear any ideas the guys are working on, as both Mastodon and Dillenger Escape Plan still have overseas dates on their shared tour through March and according to Weinman they have yet to settle on a vocalist, or vocalists as it were:

“This band [Giraffe Tongue Orchestra] has been a long time coming. Now that we have actually started creating together, it’s great to see it all materialize into what I feel is some really interesting material. G.T.O. is a true collaborative effort, which in my experience rarely works, so I think we have something pretty special here. It just so happens to be with some of my favorite people and musicians. Almost every day this experiment seems to take on some new characteristic, and I think some of the people we’ve been talking to about contributing vocals would be a big surprise to many. It’s even surprised me!”

As always you can check back here for the latest info, we will have more details on G.T.O. as they become available.

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